Saturday 30 May 2009

Dafne loaded on ship

Thursday, 28 May 2009

I did not sleep much last night, stressed about the loading day for Dafne.  Arrived to Southampton early in the morning and boarded Dafne at her berth in Ocean Village.  She was to be loaded on Aalsmeergracht of Sevenstar Yacht Transport, to be shipped to Split in Croatia.  I departed the marina at 12:00 and reached the ship at the docks for 13:00 load schedule.

Fortunately it was a very calm and beautiful day and the Load Master was very helpful which resulted in a smooth loading.  I approached the ship alongside on Dafne’s port side.  Dafne was lifted up with the ship’s crane and positioned at the fore deck of the ship next to a 63 ft sailboat.

After securing down everything on deck and down below, I kissed Dafne goodbye and promised to pick her up on the other side in Split, Croatia in two weeks time.