Tuesday 2 June 2009

Aalsmeergracht ETA schedule set

Please be advised MV Aalsmeergracht sailed from Southampton last Friday and gives the following eta's


Gibraltar                    2nd of June 13:00hrs        Loadmaster Mr Ian Wylie

Palma de Mallorrca  4th of June 06:00 hrs        Loadmaster Mr Ian Wylie

Genoa                        6th of June 06:00 hrs        TBA

Split                            9th of June 23:00 hrs        TBA

Lavrion                       12th of June 23:00 hrs      TBA

Derince                      14th of June 23:00 hrs      TBA


I could have send DAFNE directly to Derince port in Istanbul to arrive 14th of June...!


Now, she is arriving to Split in Croatioa on 9th of June when I need to be at home in London since Sanem is in New York that day.  I need to fine somebody to unload DAFNE.  I am given the following Agent in Croatia to sort it out.



Tankerkomerc d.d. Zadar

Mr. Ivan Reic
Gat Sv. Duje 4
21000  SPLIT

Phone      :+385 21 338 337
Fax        :+385 21 338337
EMail      :ivan.reic@tankerkomerc.hr