Saturday 13 June 2009

Team is here is Split ready to go

We loaded food and drinks for one week from the local big supermarket GETKO and enjoyed a good cold bear at local pub. After a good night sleep, on Saturday we washed Dafne well. Anil arrived at midday. Then we went all the way to Split to get Vignette (the cruising permit) which costed Euro 250. We had to give the port authority Insurance, Registration and Skipper license. They did not accept my Canadian license that Cumhur Hoca had issued, saying that it is just a School License. Thanks to Anil, his Turkish Captain official license did the job. On the way back we loaded four 10 litre jerry cans with diesel fuel from the car gas station because there was no fuel station at the Kastela Marina that we are staying. We are now finally ready to depart
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